Urker trade mission to Pacific North West

A fine selection of Urker companies will leave for the United States in September to explore the market around the Pacific North West. Making new contacts, meeting potential business partners and expanding the international network are the main objectives. Members of the delegation also want to exchange knowledge with their American counterparts and gain new inspiration about seafood products and their possible applications.

The delegation currently includes representatives from Dayseaday, Seafood Connection, Diepvries Urk, Ocean Company, Live Seafood, Americold, Fiskano, the Flevoland development company Horizon, Municipality of Urk and Province of Flevoland. Urk Seafood’s communications partner, SPIKKER, will also join us to report on the trade mission locally. Last Tuesday afternoon was the kick-off of the mission on location at Dayseaday, where the organization gave an insight into the travel program.

The trade mission is at the invitation of Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA), Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Alaska Trade Organization and is being prepared in the Netherlands in cooperation with the Fish Federation and Horizon Flevoland. Initiator and program manager Rein Brands of Urk Seafood on the purpose of the mission: ,,Trade missions help entrepreneurs gain a foothold abroad. Now, Urkers are internationally minded and local companies are already active in the United States. But this offers more companies the chance to benefit from new connections in America, with a well-filled program of meetings and visits to production facilities. We are pleased that the province and Horizon are also eager to support this so that the seafood sector can grow even further. Urk Seafood is helping to feed the world and wants to ensure that future generations can also enjoy seafood products.”

Pictured: Much of the trade delegation that will jointly visit the seafood sector in the Pacific North West in September.

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