Collaboration in Seafood promotion

Collaboration to promote a wonderful product like seafood. That was the purpose of a constructive discussion between Mike Turenhout, director of the Fish Federation and representatives of Urk Seafood recently in Urk. Rein Brands chimed in on behalf of the Urk Fish Wholesalers Association, along with Emma Wakker on behalf of SPIKKER, the marketing agency behind Urk Seafood. As a national trade association, the Fish Federation is committed to the fish wholesale industry and specifically to developing an industry-wide strategy. This led, among other things, to a successful fair with an NL Seafood pavilion in Singapore.

This commitment coincides nicely with the objective behind Urk Seafood: the promotion of the Urk seafood hub on the world stage. Urk Seafood’s USPs: history, total assortment, expertise and infrastructure, share many similarities with NL Seafood’s focus values: heritage, strategic location and food safety. The link between the two interests was quickly established, and Rein Brands and Mike Turenhout initiated a discussion. ,,We have a common interest as a national as well as an Urk seafood sector. Where you can work together, you should definitely do so, because together you make a bigger fist. Hence, we are excited about the possibilities of working with the Fish Federation,” Brands said on behalf of the VVU. Bert van Rooijen of Brand New ID also chimed in at Urk, from the Federation he is involved in branding NL Seafood.

The parties expect to meet again in November to work out further branding cooperation for 2024.

Pictured from left to right are Rein Brands, Emma Wakker, Bert van Rooijen (Brand New ID) and Mike Turenhout.

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