Urk Seafood Trade Mission Daily News

Urk Seafood has a special video dayjournal online during the trade mission to the Pacific North West. Produced in collaboration with media company GBU – SPIKKER – KIEK, this daytime newsreel documents our experiences and key moments of the mission. It offers a unique look behind the scenes of our journey and shows the interactions between us as Urk entrepreneurs and our American counterparts.

Each day we release a new episode through our channels, capturing highlights such as our discussions in Seattle with representatives of the Alaska Pollock industry and our visits to innovative fish processing plants in Oregon. Through interviews with delegation members, including representatives from Dayseaday, Seafood Connection and other prominent companies, we share valuable insights into the business strategies, innovations and inspirations gained during this mission.

The first episode can be viewed below. You can find the following episodes on Urk Seafood’s YouTube channel.

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